Why choose to partner with an executive coach?

“What holds us back? Is it fear? Is it the opinions of others? Judgment of ourselves? All of the above? We tend to hold ourselves back by being afraid to fail. Failure should be an option that is encouraged. We have a misconception that perfection is success, but too often perfection keeps us from taking a risk to achieve more than we could realize. We have diminished the experience of learning from failing. The reality is that failure is opportunity and recognition that each person is extraordinary. We can lean into failure, celebrate it, and know that failure can ultimately bring greatness. Fail big and fail fast—embrace what you will gain!”

Dr. Holly Ward

The purpose of professional coaching is to work together to improve performance as an individual, as a team, and as an organization. When done well, coaching can be incredibly important. Improvement stands at the heart of so much that matters in life. When we choose to learn and get better, on our own or with a coach, we open ourselves to a better life of healthier relationships, greater successes, deeper feelings of competence, and more vitality and growth. The coaching relationship provides a space for intentional reflection in order to focus actions for growth and development. The process involves using success and failures for continuous learning.

Executive coaching involves:

  • Gathering and giving feedback

  • Identifying development opportunities

  • Building awareness

  • Facilitating solutions by asking powerful questions

  • Setting goals and creating action plans

  • Facilitating learning

  • Supporting and encouraging over the long term

  • Monitoring progress and holding others accountable

Executive coaches often work with:

  • High-performing individuals who desire additional support to reach the next level

  • Managers who are valuable to the company but have key performance issues to address

  • Executives who have been recently hired or promoted and need to make an immediate impact

  • Individuals who value learning opportunities