
Inspiring Success


The name “Shore Coaching” comes from the phrase “to shore up”— meaning to support or hold something up. We believe coaching is the support that can allow individuals and organizations to stand to their fullest. We bring a wealth of knowledge and experience developed over years of working across multiple platforms.

While there are many ways to improve, people are increasingly finding that one of the most powerful ways is to partner with a coach. What does the process look like?

  • analyzing the current reality

  • setting a goal

  • identifying a strategy and plan to achieve the goal

  • getting good at implementing the strategy and plan

  • making adaptations until the goal is met. 

The purpose of coaching is to foster improvement, which stands at the heart of so much that matters in life. When done well, coaching can be incredibly impactful. When we choose to learn and get better, on our own or with a coach, we open ourselves up to a better life of healthier relationships, greater successes, deeper feelings of competence, and an ongoing openness to learning and growing.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about how Shore Coaching can assist you or your organization.

Contact Shore Coaching