Dr. Karen Smith, PhD

I approach coaching through the lens of my PhD in clinical psychology, which I earned at the University of Georgia in the late '80s. Over the years I have worked as a staff psychologist, a private practitioner, a school counselor, an adjunct professor, a clinical supervisor, and a writer. Most recently, I completed the Invitas Conversational Leadership Program. My enthusiasm for coaching comes from the pleasure of bearing witness to the explorations of each team and individual with whom I work. I enjoy the discoveries that arise when people commit to their purpose and connect with each other in ways that allow them to thrive.

In all my job settings, I have consistently been humbled and inspired by the power and potential of human beings to learn, grow, and change. I believe that problems create opportunity. They need not be avoided or denied; in truth, a problem is often an invitation to a more compassionate, courageous path forward. As a coach, I am dedicated to accompanying and supporting others as they invite change and pursue the possibilities that lie just over the horizon.