Danielle Jackson

I am a native Detroiter, driven by a strong work ethic, ambition, and integrity.  These values fueled my work in the community as a parenting educator, teacher, educational administrator, and now as a coach.  Each transition I have experienced, from marriage to widowhood, parenthood to empty nester and career, compelled me to examine what’s necessary to be an accomplished person, partner, parent, friend, and professional.

With twenty-plus years of leadership experience, I have faced many turning points. I have had to lay off and terminate staff, expand and eliminate services, and develop and adjust strategic plans while I tried to learn how to celebrate wins in a highly political and competitive environment.  Simultaneously, while managing an increasingly demanding career I was navigating blending my family with my husband, the birth of my son, and the "who are you again" facing every married couple at some point in life. I found myself asking from time to time, “Who am I now?” and “Am I living the best life?” And suddenly, I was faced with the loss of my husband.  I had to distill these complicated life changes into a prioritized list of achievable steps toward the life I wanted today.  
My practice is devoted to supporting clients in addressing the nagging feeling that there is more to discover about themselves, their careers, and their personal lives. Together, we will help you name the values that drive your work and play, clarify the aspects of your life where you are experiencing change, and determine the goals worth playing for and how to achieve them.  Finally, we will develop the tools that will build your personal "coaches toolbox" so you can work through the future transitions in your life’s journey confidently on your own.