Dear Dr. King

Written by Dr. Holly Ward, PhD

An epistolary reflection on the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear Dr. King,

As I reflect on your life and the impact you had on the world, I pause to say thank you. I am grateful for what you have given to generations and what you have taught me through your words and actions. Guided by a clear moral purpose, deep faith, and strong work ethic, you were dedicated to making a difference, and what a difference you have made. We continue to feel the effects of your tireless passion and commitment to your dream of this country, both when we take stock of how things have changed for the better since you walked among us, and how they must continue to change.

Your words have given us a vision of a more just future. Your dream was that your four children would someday be judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character, making it clear that the color of someone’s skin should not define them. You helped me to understand that racism is in direct denial of the Gospel that you preached. You modeled how important communication is to a healthy and meaningful society. You expressed your ideas and thoughts in a way that made us all understand the important actions necessary to make this world better. You made sure that your words were clear, stirring, and relevant. You spoke truth even when it was dangerous. You were not perfect, but you believed we could all be better. You taught me to always strive to be better and inspired me to be brave. 

You taught me how to challenge my own thinking and the actions of racism around me. Your words inspired me to look beyond my own experience and to try to see life from other points of view. You gave me a way to see beneath the surface and look for the character of a person’s soul. Your actions inspired me to believe that my actions can make a difference. I can choose each day to be a part of the good or a part of the problem. Your life reminds us also that this is not an easy path, but one that is necessary for the human race to survive. In living your purpose, you showed us how we must strive to find our purpose and to follow it with passion. 

You have shown me how to think differently, more deeply, and to dare to dream of a better world. We are in a time now where our dreams are essential to give us hope. Each generation has a responsibility to rise to the needs of their time. We have challenges now to overcome, but your life gives us a path and inspiration to work for a better tomorrow. You had high expectations for us. I know I can be better, I know I can do more, and I know I must rise to those expectations to be a part of making the world a better place. 

I thank you for all you have taught me and for how your life’s work continues to inspire. May we build upon your work and the work of many others to move forward with a hope that perseveres, with an expectation that we will be better, we can, and we must. You called us to stand in the light of creative altruism rather than the darkness of destructive selfishness. We must answer your call and continue the work. 

Thank you, Dr.King, for all that you continue to teach me. 

Holly Ward


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