Dare to Fail

Written by Dr. Holly Ward, PhD

Failure should be an option.

Failure should be an option that is encouraged. We have a misconception that perfection is success, but too often perfection keeps us from taking a risk to achieve more than we could realize. What holds us back? Is it fear? Is it the opinions of others? Judgement of ourselves? All of the above? We tend to hold ourselves back by being afraid to fail. We have diminished the experience of learning from failing. 

In the sports world you can see firsthand how failure and the recovery from failure can lead to success. For example, hitting a baseball is a very difficult skill to master. The greatest hitters often strike out and are happy if their batting percentage is 3/10 or .300 Batting Average. That is hitting the ball only 3 out of 10 times at bat! Less than 50%! Each time they fail at hitting, they have to walk back to the dugout and then prepare to do it all over again. They are required to have a short memory—one that will allow them to learn and move on from their failures and try again. Our culture celebrates their efforts, and if we look closely we would realize that they often fail more than they succeed. 

We need to encourage each other to fail and to find excitement in what failure can give us. There are numerous historical examples where failure brought scientific discoveries, medical break-throughs, and various artistic accomplishments. But in our society today, the fear of failure is limiting our possibilities. There is a misperception that failure is a weakness and a negative reflection of the person, but the reality is that failure is opportunity and recognition that the person is extraordinary.

We can lean into failure, celebrate it, and know that failure can ultimately bring greatness. Maintain faith that success will come in the end. The potential to fail will bring greater potential for that success. Fail big and fail fast—embrace what you will gain!


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